Branchburg Baseball Club - Softball Team Manager Rutgers Certified
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Softball Team Manager Rutgers Certified

Become Rutgers Certified

The Information provided taken was directly from the Rutgers Youth Sports Research Council website:

The Rutgers SAFETY Clinic (Sports Awareness for Educating Today’s Youth) is a three-hour program that meets the “Minimum Standards for Volunteer Coaches Safety Orientation and Training Skills Programs” and provides partial civil immunity protection to volunteer coaches under the “Little League Law”


In accordance with the stipulations in the Little League Law, the Rutgers SAFETY Clinic:

       helps coaches minimize the risk of injury to young athletes

       provides information about fundamental coaching concepts which enhances volunteer coaches’ effectiveness

       protects volunteer coaches from civil lawsuits


The curriculum for the Rutgers SAFETY Clinic is based upon the “Minimum Standards for Volunteer Coaches’ Safety Orientation and Training Skills Programs”.

The topics include:

       Legal Aspects of Coaching

       Psychological Aspects of Coaching

       General Coaching Concepts

       Training and Conditioning Athletes

       Medical/First Aid Aspects of Coaching


Individuals attending the Rutgers SAFETY Clinic receive:

       The Coaches’ Reference Manual PDF (6th edition)

       The Rutgers SAFETY Clinic Certification Card

       Permanent registration with YSRC on online database


Upcoming Schedule

For a full list of upcoming clinic date, please click here